
Download handouts from workshops and more here.

Been Slipping and Sliding?

Has your program been slowly going downhill, or has it reached an all-time low? Do not despair! There is hope and help for you today. OA has a reading and writing tool to help you get back on track. Click on the link below to get started…

First 12 Days for Newcomers

Did you know the first 12 days are an important timeline for newcomers discovering OA? This worksheet helps you help a newcomer get started.

For more info download the PDF  below:

Newcomers First 12 Days

Sponsorship 101

Getting a Newcomer Started

Worksheets from the Sept 15th 2019 Sponsorship Workshop, an  interactive sponsor / sponsee workshop sponsored by 2 intergroups – CMI and MWI

WHAT A practical method for getting someone started
A foundation from which we can begin to work the steps
Diffuse the fear that keeps people from sponsoring.

Download the PDF worksheets from the Sponsorship Workshop below:



Food Slip Inventory

General Thoughts on Getting Newcomers Started

Resources for Sponsors

Some General Suggestions for New Sponsors

Three Column Food Inventory

Tips on Sponsoring

What do you say…

Workshop Materials

On Awakening

Worksheet from the “On Awakening” Workshop hosted by the MWI Intergroup on 2.23.20

The OA Promises Workshop

The OA Promises Workshop – MWI August 2023

If you’ve been in OA for a while, you’ve probably encountered “The Promises.” But did you know that the familiar ones found in step nine are not the only program promises? This examination of promises associated with other steps will inspire you to work the program in a new or deeper way so you can experience all of the gifts of recovery. See attached for resources to download from this workshop.

Intergroup Renewal

Intergroup Renewal and Strengthening OA

Content document from the September Intergroup Renewal Meeting lead by Don C.

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